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A mothers heart broken....

August 28, 2014
I am only sharing this so other mothers know they are not alone. I'm not sure where to begin as it's heartbreaking to even remember but my son of 3 was being sexually abused by his father, we were separated…

My hell

August 26, 2014
My name is kev and what I'm about to tell u is the truth of what happen to me as a child from the age 8 I was threw in to cold baths beaten in my sleep stripped naked and…


August 7, 2014
During my childhood I experienced the following. I was neglected even to the extent of having bleeding gums and ingrowing toenails as a preschool child. I suffered from bed wetting and I was sent to school unwashed unchanged & stinking.…

Indecent exposure by next door nieghbour.

August 2, 2014
Sharon O'Hara
I share a joint path with a nieghbour, his back door is only 3ft from my gate, and directly opposite his door. In August 2013 he used to sit outside his back door on my wall and make comments about…

5 attackers, 2 friends and permanent damage.

July 31, 2014
A friend and I were attacked on Sunday (27th July) morning around 4:30am in Huddersfield town centre. My attacker stamped on my ankle known as a 'sweep' and he fractured my fibula bone severely which I have just found out…

Assault on the Public Highway

July 7, 2014
T Neate
ASSAULT UPON TONY R N I Tony RN was assaulted by a member of the public at the work location, time and date as described above. The working side of the carriageway was east-bound and the live traffic side for…
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