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Advice for victims of violent assault

Compensation for violent assault in the UK

If you have been injured as a result of a violent criminal act you may be eligible for compensation. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme allows blameless victims of crime to receive an award for pain, suffering and psychological distress.

Police signpost UK

To make a claim under the CICA scheme you must have reported the matter to the police and received medical attention for any injury received. However be aware that the CICA do not consider claims for minor injury which may include black eyes, cuts and bruising. Any psychological injury must be supported with appropriate medical evidence. Please also be aware of the strict claim deadlines and 2 year rule.

Many of the applicants we help are victims of mindless violence. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is a situation that can happen to any one of us. Read how "Clare's Law" may be able to protect domestic violence victims.

It is important that anyone making a claim under the CICA scheme was not involved in either causing the incident (for example a fight) that led to the injury or otherwise contributed to their injuries by failing to safeguard themselves. Be aware - avoid 5 common mistakes applicants often make when applying for compensation.

A vast number of the cases we deal with involve assaults that are alcohol induced. Whatever the circumstances behind your own injury - if you have been assaulted - you may be entitled to compensation under the scheme. The CICA also deal with claims for domestic violence compensation. Please also read our dedicated page for victims of knife crime.

Make an enquiry with us and find out now what your rights are and how much you may be entitled to receive in compensation. We can also assist you if your enquiry relates to sexual assault compensation.

If preferred - contact us directly by email or phone 

Personal Injury Trust Funds

Read why you might need a Personal Injury Trust if you make a claim or criminal compensation whilst on benefits.

Rejected CICA claims

Has your case already been decided by the CICA? Please read our advice pages here on the initial decision Review process or Tribunal Appeal procedures.

RAPE VICTIM COMPENSATION CLAIM? You may wish to calculate your potential rape victim compensation to have an understanding of your entitlement.

Contact us today for an immediate review of your particular case.


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