We have mainly focused on the aftermath of rape or sexual assault. However, a little further along the line, after the traumatic activity of the first few weeks or months, many victims will find comfort in counselling.
Organisations such as Rape Crisis offer telephone counselling or counselling on a one-to-one basis. Obviously the sessions would involve talking about difficult subjects, not least the attack itself. However, for all the problems it may generate, and it is sometimes worth remembering that the pain it causes may make the whole experience worse before it gets better, it can be a valuable means of support. So, having counselling sessions can become an important part of the recovery process.
Emotions run high, especially at the start of a period of counselling but many will soon come to learn that experiencing emotion while discussing sensitive and painful subjects is not unusual and should not be embarrassing in itself. Discussing your trauma offers no guarantees and won’t allow the victim to forget about what has happened, but what it can do in many cases is allow the victim to accept that the incident has happened and to then cope with things as best they can. There is a greater understanding of sexual violence and its aftermath than ever before and many support groups are able to help at this terrible time.
Find out what rights you have if the police decide against prosecuting an offender.