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CICA criminal injury awards - How much can you claim?

How much criminal injury compensation can be claimed?

If your claim is accepted and deemed eligible then you will hopefully be entitled to receive a compensation award for your pain and suffering or psychological injuries. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) use a "tariff of injuries" to value all claims so each injury or claim type has its own layered award structure dependent on the severity and longevity of the crime.

Award examples

We list some typical award examples below which are all subject to appropriate medical and police evidence being supplied.

Here are a few typical CICA awards:

  • Sexual Abuse - touching / molesting outside of clothing: £2,000
  • Sexual Abuse - Multiple penile penetrative sexual assaults for a period less than 3 years: £22,000
  • Sexual Abuse - Multiple penile penetrative sexual assaults for a period in excess of 3 years: £22,000
  • Other Sexual Assaults - Molesting / non-penile penetration: £3,300-£11,000
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): £6,500-£22,000
  • Broken/Fractured Jaw: £1,500-£6,200
  • Facial Scarring (Significant or Serious) : £2,400-£11,000
  • Fractured Skull : £1,000-£4,600
  • Teeth: £1,000-£3,500
  • Broken Forearm(s): £1,500-£11,000
  • Broken/Fractured Lower Leg (Fibula): £1,000-£3,500
  • Broken/Fractured Lower Leg (Tibia): £1,800-£11,000
  • Scarring to Torso, Lower/Upper Limbs: £1,000-£3,500

If you have suffered more than one injury, the CICA will only compensate you for the three most serious. The award components are paid in a discounted or scaled format as follows;

100 % of the award amount for the most serious injury will be paid;

plus 30 % of the tariff amount for the second most serious injury;

plus only 15 % of the tariff amount for the third most serious.

This scaling formula in our view seriously undermines the compensation scheme but as the award process has been approved by parliament it is beyond legal challenge

Following changes to the internal handling processes within the CICA grooming abuse victims can now claim compensation even where consent may have been given. In other words where a victim was coerced into sexual acts due to the criminal behaviour of the offender(s).

Read more here about Elon Musk's campaign to highlight grooming gang abuse in the UK.

We also have a very useful CICA compensation calculator to work out an approximate level of compensation that may apply in your case.

Claim award calculator

If your case relates to historical abuse or related offences you may wish to calculate your potential award using our specialist calculator to value your sexual abuse claim.

The size of any award paid in recognition of victims’ personal injuries is fixed according to a scale, or tariff, set by Parliament. The tariff applied since November 2012 defines the maximum levels of compensation which may be awarded. If you qualify also for lost earnings and/or special expenses, the CICA will pay additional compensation however the maximum combined amount payable under the scheme is £500,000.

Be aware that loss of earnings claims are very complex and legal advice is recommended to ensure you obtain the right level of compensation.

Have you received an award that is too low in your opinion?

If your case has already been decided by the CICA and you are unhappy with the award proposed - you can challenge this decision. Please read our advice pages here on the initial decision CICA review process or criminal injuries Tribunal Appeal procedure.

If you are unhappy about your claim and the way it has been handled by the CICA you may wish instead to make a formal complaint about your proposed award.
