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Knife attacker jailed for 6 years

A 15 year old boy was stabbed in the chest with a kitchen knife during an argument over an Xbox game.

His attacker became angry when the boy went to his home to ask him to return the game that he had borrowed. He refused to return the game and got the boy in a headlock before stabbing him in his right side. The boy sustained a punctured lung and liver damage as a result.

The attack stopped when another man arrived. The boy made a full recovery after surgery and his attacker pleaded guilty to wounding with intent.

If you have been an innocent victim of violent crime and have suffered from physical or psychological injury as a result you are entitled to make a claim for stabbing compensation to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

The CICA is a government scheme wholly funded by the Ministry of Justice to award compensation to innocent victims of violent crime.

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