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Criminal Injury - assaulted playing sport

Here is a case study of a victim assaulted whilst playing an organised game of rugby

The victim here was a rugby player who competed at a very high level. He was attacked whilst playing against a lower ranked local team in a cup competition.

On the opposition was a player who he did not know and had not encountered previously on the field of play, struck a blow to his face that broke his jaw.

The incident occurred off the ball and was deemed by witnesses to be unprovoked and completely unsporting. Despite the fact that the claimant was playing a physical sport, the injuries suffered were solely as a result of malicious wounding and nothing at all to do with the general rough and tumble of a rugby match.

The police pressed charges against the assailant following the cooperation provided by the victim and the witnesses.

We dealt with the criminal injuries compensation claim under the CICA scheme. The claimant recovered an award of £3850.

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